Friday, March 23, 2012

blueberry dream smoothie

After eight months of living in the Branch Ranch, the motley crew and I are moving again. We have our heart set on a beautiful home in Boalsburg, 6 miles away. We hope that we can stay together, and are waiting to hear if our application for the home got approved. Fingers crossed!

In addition lots of uncertainty, this move means that I had to be ready to provide a $500 deposit with a few days notice. Since payday is still 8 days away, I vowed to not spend any money until my paycheck drops. So, I am getting creative with what I have in my pantry and freezer. This also means I am accepting my roommates' on-its-way-out fruits and vegetables. Last night, I froze some of Katie's dismal bananas for a smoothie. Right after I froze them, I read this article about bananas, and consulted our house dietitian (Katie) for her analysis. She said that it matters more what you eat with the bananas- note taken.

Today, my kitchen alchemy produced what I'm calling a "blueberry dream" smoothie. Amber is smoothie-obsessed (Vitamix in the house!), and I took some inspiration from a smoothie her mom made called "dreamscicle." I made this smoothie with a blender (and coffee grinder), so you don't need the all-mighty Vitamix to blend this one up. The protein from the silken tofu balances the smoothie, plus you get Omega-3s from the ground flax seed! This blended into a gorgeous periwinkle color, and the silken tofu made it super-creamy.

Blueberry Dream 

2 peeled, frozen bananas
1 c blueberries
cold filtered water
1 tbsp ground flax seed (I grind this in a coffee grinder)
1/4 c shredded, unsweetened coconut (I pilfered this from our baking lazy-susan)
1/2 package of silken tofu
toss some salt over your shoulder for good luck

Layer flax, bananas, blueberries coconut and tofu into the blender. Splash some water to get it going. Drizzle in water until you get the consistency you want (this could be anywhere from soft-serve to straw-drinkable.)

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